"Just Before Dark" 20" x 24" Acrylic on Cradle Board $1500 (ref#334)
The reference for this painting is from my own camera and was taken steps from my home. I saw this magical creature, a beautiful barred owl, just as the sun was going down. Actually, Charlie my dog gets the credit for pointing him out to me. When he saw him, Charlie stopped dead in his tracks and did a double-take, this was a creature he had never seen before, and as he looked back at me, I knew by his expression he had found something interesting. I did not have my good camera with me, so I ran home and back to get a better pic. He stayed where she was until I returned. I started his painting that day!
Exciting Update! This painting was accepted into the NOAA Annual Juried Show. It will be touring a variety of northern Ontario locations for a year. See the NOAA website for a schedule.

"Algonquin Spring Moose in Bud". 11" x 14" Acrylic on Cradle Board $400 (ref#347) SOLD

"Hello My Dear". 11" x 14" Acrylic on Canvas $400 (ref#346) SOLD

"Am I Blue". 11" x 14" Acrylic on Canvas $400 (ref#344)
This painting can be seen at Artisans of Muskoka in Huntsville, Ontario

"Chickadee in Spring" 8" x 10" Acrylic on Cradle Board $250 (ref#332)
This painting can be seen at Artisans of Muskoka in Huntsville, Ontario

"Nuthatch" 8" x 10" Acrylic on Cradle Board $250 (ref#330)
This painting can be seen at Artisans of Muskoka in Huntsville, Ontario (SOLD)

"Cedar Waxwing" 11" x 14" Acrylic on Cradle Board $450 (ref#336)
This painting can be seen at Artisans of Muskoka in Huntsville, Ontario

"South River Grist Mill" 11" x 14" Acrylic on Cradle Board $450 (ref#335)

"A Sweet Ride" 11" x 14" Acrylic on Cradle Board $450 (ref#338)

"One Algonquin Morning" 11" x 14" Acrylic on Cradle Board $450 (ref#339)

"On A Summer"s Day" 11" x 14" Acrylic on Cradle Board $450 (ref#343)

"Chip off the Old Rock" 11" x 14" Acrylic on Cradle Board $450 (ref#342)